Weekly Moves | January 30-February 5

This week is all about keeping it simple with exercises you can do anywhere, anytime! These classes are great for beginners as they break down the movements and focus on foundational strength work, lots of mobility and movement, and low-to-moderate intensity. Let’s get moving!

The Schedule


▶︎ NEW | Chair Mobility Flow with Sylvia | Energizing Stretch Class (17 Mins)
▶︎ Functional Movement Workshop with Adrian | Learn How to Hip Hinge (4 Mins)

Start by following Sylvia through an accessible mobility flow from the comfort of your chair in this Energizing Stretch Class. Then, join Adrian in this Functional Movement Workshop to learn how to Hip Hinge.


▶︎ Yoga for Mornings with Kate | Gentle Yoga Class (11 Mins)
▶︎ On Movement with Kate Potter | Interview Series (7 Mins)

Try out this Gentle Yoga Class with Kate to start your morning feeling good! This short, sweet, and gentle class will restore and refresh you. Then, Kate shares how to embrace bold movements balanced with soft and smooth flows, and what keeps her moving.


▶︎ Twist with Amanda | Yoga Foundational Class (4 Mins)
▶︎ Bonus: Playbook with Karen | Episode 1 (8 Mins)

Today, practice Twist with Amanda to discover a new and calming way to move and stretch your spine. As a bonus, watch Playbook with Karen for a conversation on embracing aging in fitness, dealing with injuries, and moving forward through new chapters of life feeling strong and healthy.


▶︎ Evenings with Rob | Boxing Conditioning & Mobility Class (6 Mins)
▶︎Squat Workshop with Adrian | Learn How to Squat Safely with Weight

In this Boxing Conditioning & Mobility Class, Rob guides you through a short training session to engage your full body in just a few minutes. Then, Learn How to Squat Safely with Weight in this workshop with Adrian.


▶︎ Knee Checkup with Adrian | Everyday Mobility Class (15 Mins)
▶︎ Learn Side Lunge with Keighty (1 Min)

In Knee Checkup with Adrian, explore a range of lower body exercises to increase strength, stability, and range of motion. Next up, learn Side Lunge with Keighty to target smaller, frequently missed muscle groups and gain joint balance and stability in your lower body.

The Weekend

▶︎ Warrior with Kate | Grounding Yoga Class (24 Mins)
▶︎ Learn Forward Hop with Dom (2 Min)

Warrior with Kate encourages confidence, relieves sluggishness, and brings mindful awareness of balance in this Grounding Yoga Class. Then, Learn Forward Hop with Dom for an extra movement boost today.

The Creativity Bonus

READ: Our latest interview on the online magazine, Hannah Wielemaker on motherhood, the rhythms of change, and creating a legacy of movement.