32 Fun & Simple Things To Add To Your Summer Bucket List

There’s nothing sweeter than the warmth of summertime when the sun takes its time sinking down, and the air feels fresh. The smell of newly cut grass and lingering sunscreen on our skin. It’s the season for play! The markets are open, flowers ripe for picking. The blue skies call us out to stay awhile, and evenings are long to soak up time on the porch. It’s the time to feel like a kid again.

So why reserve ‘play’ just for the kiddos? Have we matured our way out without regard for the gift it is to ourselves? 

Experts tell us that having fun is crucial for building and maintaining successful communities, and is connected to full, healthy lives. “When we are immersed in something enjoyable of our own choosing, neuroscience research shows that metaphorically speaking the brain lights up,” says Dr. Jaqueline Harding in her book, The Brain That Loves To Play.

Fun releases our ‘happy chemicals’ (endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin) which naturally moderate our body’s stress response. The result? Our mood brightens, we feel calmer, and anxiety goes down. They say laughter is medicine, and the facts are in. 

It’s the season for play!

As all good things do, summer seems to come and go in the blink of an eye. So, make the most of it with small, achievable to-dos. And most importantly, keep them FUN and simple.

Here are some totally simple and fun things we are dreaming up this summer ~


  1. Go for a morning swim (remember to stretch first!)

  2. Read a fiction book (check back soon for our recommended summer reads!)

  3. Ask a friend or family for their favorite summer recipe and give it a try

  4. Use fresh herbs for cooking

  5. Pick a wildflower bouquet

  6. Try a dance class

  7. Catch up with a friend

  8. Make fresh lemonade

  9. Go for ice cream with the kids and/or grandkids

  10. Do a wine tasting with friends

  11. Visit your local farmer’s market

  12. Have a beach day (don’t forget your sunscreen!)

  13. Make a summer mocktail when a friend comes over

  14. Buy (or bake!) a fresh pie and drop it off at a friend’s house

  15. Write a letter to someone

  16. Go to a local baseball game

  17. Get eggs from a road-side stand

  18. Go to an outdoor concert

  19. Go for a bike ride (to the lake, ocean, park, or just around around your neighborhood)

  20. Tend to your garden

  21. Listen to our Songs For Summer playlist

  22. Take grandkids to the waterpark

  23. Have a picnic in the park (this can be simple ~ pack some seasonal fruit, a baguette, hummus or jam)

  24. Sit around a campfire

  25. Go to a Sunday matinee movie

  26. Plant cherry tomatoes

  27. Read at the park

  28. Star gaze

  29. Try a new summer activity, like paddleboarding or pickleball

  30. Buy a new pair of sunglasses

  31. Hit balls at the driving range

  32. Use a disposable camera to take summer photos and get them developed

What are your small, FUN summer goals?



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