Weekly Moves | May 16 – 22

This week is all about trying new things. Approach your fitness practice with curiosity and openness and you will surprise yourself with what you are capable of. If you’re feeling stuck, a curious mindset may be just the trick! As you try unfamiliar movements, be okay with being a beginner. Let the frustration give way to the joy of learning as you channel your adventurous spirit.


The Schedule


NEW | Your Turn | Take Your First HIIT Class with Karen. Start the week by moving along to this new beginner-friendly HIIT class. You don’t need to be an athlete to try it, this workout is for everyone. Dom teaches modifications for those working with back or knee pain. Time: 35 mins


Learn Fast Hands with Keighty
Learn Bear Crab Roll with Slava | Level 1
Learn Cartwheel | Level 1

Start by following Keighty through Fast Hands, a plank modification that will light up your core. Then try Level 1 Bear Crab Roll and Cartwheel from our Movement Foundations program. These moves are a great way to get your hands on the ground and play. Since today’s practice is a short one, combine it with a stroll around the neighbourhood. Time: 5+ mins


Revolved Triangle with Kate | Strong Standing Poses Yoga Class. Enjoy this midweek yoga practice led by Kate Potter. Move through a series of Warrior Poses to prepare you for Revolved Triangle. Make this challenging spinal standing twist yours and modify if you need to. Time: 24 mins


On the Offense with Farinaz Lari | Energizing Kickboxing Class. Today we’re learning Uppercuts and Middle Kicks! Get warm, find your fighting stance, and settle into this workout as Farinaz guides you through fundamental kickboxing strikes. Time: 22 mins


NEW | Mornings with Rob | Easy Stretching & Boxing Footwork Class
Triggerpoint Workshop with Adrian Gaskin

Get your morning started by moving through some gentle full body stretches, deep breathing, mobility work, and a fun footwork series with Rob. Then, learn the basics of triggerpoint work with Adrian in a workshop that will help to connect your body to your mind to improve stability and intention of daily movement. Time: 4 + 10 mins


NEW | Presence | Levitating by Dua Lipa | Choreography Dance Class. Finish the week off with dancing! Hannah from Formation Studio leads you through an energetic and beginner-friendly choreographed routine to Levitating by Dua Lipa. Tip: press pause and go back if you need, learn at your own pace, and feel the music lead your body. Time: 33 mins

Creativity Bonus

Watch an episode from our Physical Education playlist. This series brings our teachers together with people from all walks of life to coach them through new moves in settings around Vancouver.

We also encourage you to try something new outside of movement this week. Some ideas: cook a new recipe, listen to music you wouldn’t normally listen to, try an unfamiliar art form.