Weekly Moves | Feb 7 - 13

A workout doesn’t always have to be a trip to the gym or a full fitness class to be impactful. Sometimes, especially if you’re cultivating new health or creative habits, it’s good just to move (or write, read, paint, etc.) daily, even if only for five minutes. This week, focus on the power of doing a little bit every day.


The Schedule


Mornings with Kate | 5-Minute Full Body Weighted Yoga Class. Join Kate Potter in a refreshing morning practice to wake up your body and your mind. You’ll practice various floor movements such as Child’s Pose, Plank, Sphinx, Supine Twist, and Downward Dog. Suggested Equipment: One Single Dumbbell. Time: 5 mins


Middays with Adrian | 5-Minute Strength Reset for the Hips & Glutes
5-Minute Conditioning & Core Strength Class with Farinaz

Some days we like to get creative by mixing and matching classes. Start off with Adrian’s strength reset class (especially great for those of us who spend long stretches of time sitting). Then, move on to Farinaz’s conditioning class where you will get your heart rate up and cool down from your day. Time: 10 mins


It’s your midweek outdoor movement break!

PLUS, try Movement Foundations Cool Down | 5-Minute Restorative Stretch Class (Level 01). Use this creative Cool Down to transition your body into a state of rest and recovery from your daily activities. Time: 5 mins


5-Minute Fun Agility & Stability Drill Class with Keighty. This class is all about shaking it out and feeling free. Follow Keighty through a 5-minute body wake-up class that focuses on agility, cardio, and mobility. Time: 5 mins


Choose your favourite short and sweet class. For today’s practice, repeat your favourite class from the previous days or choose a new class or workshop from this playlist. Tag us @movementbynm and let us know what class you picked! Time: 5-10 mins


Cool Down with Keighty Gallagher. We hope you make time to play outside or do a movement activity that you love this weekend. Afterwards, try this juicy cool down with Keighty, which focuses on flexibility, relaxing, and slowing your heart rate. Time: 3 mins

Creativity Bonus

Your creativity bonus this week is to pick one song from our Five Minute Songs For Movement playlist (or a 5-minute song you love) and move in some way. Dance alone or with a partner, practice an exercise you learned this week, or stretch for the full length of the song.